Ben Saunders

On our expedition our group hiked for two hours unknowingly without having a map. We had all assumed someone else had picked it - (we forgot not 1 but 2 maps...)

However, we still managed to follow the correct route almost perfectly and upon reaching our first checkpoint, our slightly bemused leader duly gave us a map (which to our surprise and confusion no-one had picked up) We were able to carry on with map in hand and successfully finish and achieve our expedition.

After arguing, laughing but always having a great time we successfully persevered through the rain, heat and wind, and of course getting lost, but always finding the way again to achieve our goal.

Something I did learn was the value of COMMUNICATION with my team mates and being with friends who shared the same experience. We still laugh about it now and will probably in years to come. Though we try not to mention what happened with "the map..."