Callum Towers

I think it goes without saying that the Duke of Edinburgh's award has helped shape the lives of so many young people, and I am honoured to be able to include myself in that number.

I first signed up for my Bronze award back in 2017, but after such an amazing experience, I couldn't wait to do more! A year later I had signed up for my Gold award and was eager to start!

For my volunteering section, I decided to become a "Young Leader" at my local Cub Scout pack. I enjoyed it so much that I have continued to volunteer with them despite finishing the award! As for my skills and physical sections, I signed up as a trombonist in my local jazz orchestra, as well as attending a weekly trampoline club with my college. For my residential section, I undertook a 10 day, 100 mile expedition in northern Serbia with Scouts. It was such an enjoyable experience, and it was my DofE award that helped inspire me to take on the challenge!

My Gold expedition took me to the Lake District in the North West. I remember the excitement as we all set off from Keswick, slowly turning to tiredness as we came to our first camp (after taking a couple of wrong turns!). Porridge and a breakfast drink the next morning had us ready to go by mid morning, and we set off for another long slog up one of the nearby hills. Lunch at the top was amazing, with views of the valleys and local countryside accompanying our squashed sandwiches! And so it continued, but by lunchtime on the fourth day, we were all getting ready to go home! I remember one of us challenging the rest of the group to think of a song to sing for every letter of the alphabet (we had to know all the words for it to count!), and that raised all our spirits! We reached Pooley Bridge and collapsed into the cars, ready to get to bed!

The Duke of Edinburgh's award scheme has given me so many friends and even more memories, I couldn't be more grateful that it exists!

Prince Philip really was an inspiration, he will be missed.