Rosemary Robertson

I received my Gold Award in 1968 after attaining Bronze. I did direct entry Gold as at that time 20yrs was cut off age. I met so many wonderful people and acquired skills that have lasted a lifetime. I met The Duke at the Palace. He had maroon patent shoes that had seen better days and a big smile! I was prepared for a question or comment about the Award but he said "There are some beautiful hats in this group aren't there?"
It was a wonderful experience topped off by the afternoon in London. As my Mum and my fiancé walked me down the Mall to the car we saw the Royal Standard fluttering on an approaching car. We were all thrilled to see Queen Elizabeth and The Duke glamorous and handsome in green dress and evening suit. No crowds but smiles and waves for us. It completed a wonderful day.
Back in my home town of Chesterfield a few weeks later there was a reception for Award winners to publicise and congratulate. Only three Gold recipients and of course we were photographed for the Derbyshire Times. A copy was apparently sent to a soldier in Singapore who entered my photo in a "Local girl beauty competition" Imagine my surprise when I received news that not only was I a Gold Award recipient but Miss Radio Workshop Singapore! Such a laugh!
What has not been a laugh has been putting my Gold achievement on my C.V as a young woman and having interviewers talk about something I am passionate about.
Long may The Award boost the lives of young participants.