Helen Prewett

I completed my Silver and Gold awards, which had a profound impact on me to give other young people the opportunity to take part in the awards. I became a local leader and then a region adviser for Girlguiding uk, where I remained for 20 years, encouraging young people through the award which changed some of their lives forever. Giving them something else to focus on, other than the pressure of their school or college work.

I met my husband through the award as his supervisor, he in turn became a local advisor and trainer where he still remains. Our two children grew up coming on many D of E trainings and expeditions and are now completing their own D of E journeys.

I became inspired to teach young children in inner city schools about the outdoors, becoming an outdoor educator and forest school lead, helping them to understand the world around them using the skills I learnt years ago on my expedition.

I am still a trainer supervisor and assessor, encouraging young people to take part in this truly inspirational award that has made a difference to so many young peoples lives. I am looking forward to encouraging more young people on their D of E journey.