Katie Rea

The Duke of Edinburgh Scheme has meant so much to me! I worked my way quickly through the Bronze and Silver awards while at school and quickly went on to be a Silver trainer while at college so I could ensure other people at my school had the opportunity that I had to participate in the Award. College life then got in the way for a few years and I struggled to find a gold group to join alone after I left college-However, I was so determined to finish and complete the award and push myself to do complete by age 25 and find new and different activities that I made it my mission to complete it! The award allowed me to try new things- I sailed aboard tenacious with the Jubilee Sailing Trust and I learnt so much from seeing the experience of less able bodied and how we can all overcome struggles together through this wonderful charity. Without this award, I wouldn’t have tried this and learnt this valuable lesson which still to this day 6 years later I use at least weekly. This experience also encouraged me to push through my physical struggles that I faced on my expedition around the Lake District.

Through the award I have I made friends for life and learnt lessons that have supported me and given me confidence to grow as a human and inspired me to push boundaries and helped me in my career.

The highlight for me which I often look back on is meeting the Duke of Edinburgh himself at Buckingham Palace in the year of the Diamond Award to receive my award. I will always encourage people to get involved either as a young adult to obtain an award or to volunteer and help at a group. I hope that many more people get to enjoy the experience and gain from the award in the same way as myself.