
I completed my Diamond Challenge in 2016 at the age of 23, by swimming the equivalent distance of crossing the English Channel at its widest part, in my local 25m. pool over a set period of time - no mean feat for my first venture back into swimming properly since the age of 11!

It was a brilliant experience for me to finally be part of the Duke of Edinburgh scheme and feel I had accomplished something.

I missed out on my Bronze, Silver and Gold due to having a complete lack of faith in my own ability to succeed in those Awards. It was presented to me at school as this scary expedition of walking for hours and camping but no mention of what else was involved - if only I knew about all the other elements of the Award too. Or even stopped to think about how much I would gain from having a go and getting stuck in to the expedition part!

Ultimately, since I took the plunge(!) in 2016, I realised how much there is to gain from being part of such schemes and the happiness you can feel doing something that challenges you. I am now successfully volunteering with Girlguiding as a result of my new found confidence.

Thank you, a hundred times over, for helping me to create a positive life for myself, for making me realise there is so much more out there that is worthwhile and rewarding beyond academic achievement and what job you have.

If only the DofE Gold award went up to age 30 for completion, I would sign up tomorrow...