Melissa Cherry

I completed all three awards Bronze, Silver and Gold whilst I was still at school and in 1981 went to Buckingham Palace to collect my Gold Award. I remember meeting HRH Prince Philip and he asked me several questions about my school. Though I lived in Surrey, I commuted into London every day and attended The Grey Coat Hospital School in Westminster which was very local to the Palace. He of course knew my school and said it was his local! It was a very special moment in my life and I felt so touched by his questions and his interest in my life. The Duke of Edinburgh scheme meant so much to me and I particularly enjoyed the Expeditions which took us to wonderful places like the Pennines and the Yorkshire Dales. I am happy to say that some of my children have followed in my footsteps. My son Max has completed his Gold Duke of Edinburgh in the Sixth Form at Truro School and my daughter Sophie pictured with me has done her Silver Award. I am so grateful to HRH Prince Philip for this award and all the opportunities it has given me and my family.