Raewyn Kapa
I received my Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award in 1989 having attained my sections of service, expeditions, skills and physical recreation in lifesaving, Air Training Corp cadets, typing and hockey. All sections enhanced my life journey of service, enjoyment, camaraderie and discipline that by learning and example is enjoyed by my children as well in their growing up. I only attained up to Bronze Award but feel privileged to have had the opportunity afforded by my parents nurture and of course my schooling that ran the program in my secondary schools. Perhaps it can be an award available to all young boys and girls to share in the desire Prince Phillip, The Duke of Edinburgh wished for us who participated, as he quoted in sharing in our award handbooks "I hope that in taking part in the Award Scheme you will discover fresh interests and make new friends, and find satisfaction in giving service to others. There are many worthwhile activities from which you can make a choice and I hope that those which you decide to do will give you pleasure and increase your knowledge of the world and of yourself" (Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh).
I am very grateful for the profound impact Prince Phillip's legacy has had on my life. My wish in his passing is that all young people from all walks of life here in Aotearoa NZ can get to do his original Award Scheme in remembrance of his kindness and fatherly love for young people.
Rest in peace His Royal Highness, Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh. Your dedication to young people will forever be remembered,
I am very grateful for the profound impact Prince Phillip's legacy has had on my life. My wish in his passing is that all young people from all walks of life here in Aotearoa NZ can get to do his original Award Scheme in remembrance of his kindness and fatherly love for young people.
Rest in peace His Royal Highness, Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh. Your dedication to young people will forever be remembered,