Emma Parry

I completed both my Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh award during my GCSEs and A-Levels at Sutton High Sports College.

It was during this time that I met some of my now closest friends who weren’t in my classes in school but where in my year group. I never forget to this day and it still makes us laugh when we reminisce when I stopped one of my friends from going ahead and fell waist deep into a bog! We had to get some of the other students to help pull me out.

The Duke of Edinburgh award gave me a lot of great memories and friendship and I’m so grateful for the Duke for setting the organisation up. I know I will encourage my own children when I have them to take part as the skills you learn are invaluable. It also encourage me to take further my involvement with the Scout Movement. I became a leader aged 18 and gained my woodbadge when I was 19/20.