Sarah Smith

I only began the gold award as a direct entrant to take my Royalist mum to St James’ Palace which makes this story all the more special.
After being presented to the Duke he then moves onto the next group in line. However, en route to them he spies my mum sitting at the side of the ballroom. He immediately perks up with ‘oh hello, it’s, its (while clicking his fingers) oh I know you don’t I? It’s, it’s” as he’s making a direct line towards her. At this point his aides jump in and hastily usher him away to the next awaiting group. Meanwhile everyone’s attention is no longer on the Duke but my poor mum who has gone the colour of a tomato! We still laugh about it today and wonder what the Duke was thinking. What an amazing way to treat my mum and to be given much more than we bargained for! Thank you Sir!