Ron Bates

I was one of the early Gold Award winners, whizzing through the Bronze Award and then receiving the Silver Award from Sir John Hunt, the famous leader of the first successful Everest expedition and the first Director of the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme.
I then went on to receive the Gold Award from Prince Philip himself at Buckingham Palace in 1959. At the time I was told I was the fastest & youngest to have achieved the Gold although I am sure that has been beaten many times since.
I have a very proud photo of me with my parents outside the Palace. This became even more poignant to me when, much later after my mother died, I discovered that she had been born in Bedford Workhouse. So to feel somewhat responsible for taking her from the Workhouse to a Royal Palace was a wonderful feeling.
Throughout the Award scheme we were encouraged by a great Boys Brigade Captain, Ron Staniford, whose enthusiasm simply inspired everyone to want to do more.
I think everyone’s favourite part of the Award was the Expedition Section – I have wonderful memories of tramping across Snowdonia for the Silver and Dartmoor for the Gold.
There is no doubt the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme is a wonderful idea and it certainly helped me to become a much more confident & positive individual. I really cannot thank everyone who was involved enough.