R. Ann Taylor

I grew up in Richmond Surrey, and joined the 1st. Richmond Girls' Life Brigade at our local Baptist Church. In 1961 several of us began working towards the Duke Of Edinburgh's Award scheme although only 3 of us worked to the end and received our Gold Awards at Buckingham Palace in 1966. I remember really enjoying the challenges at each level and learning new skills, but my strongest memory is of doing the Expedition at the Gold Level. We cycled to the source of the River Thames, along main roads, for 2 days, and then spent 5 days cycling all the way back along the Thames' towpath. We stayed overnight in Youth Hostels catering for ourselves, and during that 5 days an assessor met up with us at the hostel to check we were Ok and to see our plans for the next stage. I particularly remember crossing the Thames at various places (the tow path is not always straightforward!) and crossing the Swinford Toll Bridge which cost us 2 old pennies each. We were very excited when we were asked in 1966 to go to Buckingham Palace to receive our gold awards and certificates from the Duke of Edingburgh, in the palace garden. Our Captain also came and our parents, but no cameras were allowed inside the palace grounds. So my photo is of me sharing my cerificate and badge with my parents when we came out. In the garden we were put in groups and the Duke came to each group and spoke to us. He put us (very nervous) teenagers at ease by joking about all the badges and medals of the GLB we had on our uniforms. It was an unforgettable day and my parents and I never forgot it. In a twist of fate I now live in Eynsham, Oxfordshire right by the Swinford Toll Bridge and remember that experience every time I cross the bridge, and pay a toll.