Veronica Johnstone nee Leleux

When I received my Gold DofE Award from the Duke of Edinburgh on Tuesday 19 May 1970 at Buckingham Palace we had to shake his L hand as he had injured his R wrist, I think playing polo.
I started my DofE Award journey with the Girl Guides in 1966 when I was just 14 and completed it with my school in December 1969 aged 17. I had a wonderful sense of achievement when I finished the Gold Award. How proud I was, and still am. I believe that the Award gave me maturity, resourcefulness and a sense of adventure that has stayed with me throughout my life. During the course of my DofE Award journey I undertook many varied and fascinating courses and activities. Snippets of memories from some of them remain. Here is just a flavour of them: moments, like the gloriously sunny day of my first activity - the walk to Plockton, undertaken on my first non family holiday, or facts, like the whorls and ridges of fingerprints on the course run by the Police, or trampolining for pursuits and interests. Finally, the confidence I gained by organising completely by myself, my practical service to the community at an Old Persons Home.