Sarah Jefferson
One of my most memorable DofE moments was during my Silver expedition around Ullswater while I was in Year 11 at school. On arriving at the campsite and after dinner on our 2nd night one team member became unwell that evening. I took Emma who was unwell to the toilet block who was then sick, but she didn't know if she was going to be sick again so I went to grab our sleeping bags from the tent and remember moving another girl into our tent so the one person left in their would be warmer and then returned to Emma who was curled up on a stone floor by the toilet. We both snuggled into out sleeping bags and eventually fell asleep on the toilet block floor. I was woken by a cleaner coming in at around 6am who said' you can't be sleeping in here, you shouldn't be squatting like this' - I tried to explain that we had paid to be on site but my friend was sick, however, they didn't listen and had walked off. Emma seemed better that morning so we went back to our tent and found 4 sleeping/snoring girls completely unaware of what had happened during the night and that morning. Even the girl I moved into our tent hadn't realised what was going on but she moved half asleep as she was asked. I remember a few girls struggling that last day and pushing and pulling them up and over the final hill. It has stuck with me through the years and I now tell it and other stories to the students I teach and lead, hoping they will create their own memories and that the experiences they had will stay with them for life also.