Madeleine Fox

To me the DofE award was gruelling, tiring and left my feet in absolute agony. However, I would take that a million times over! Although the DofE award was hard, it took dedication, spirit and hardship, it brought me closer to my friends and helped us to bond further than we would have within the classroom. To this day my friends and I still look back on our DofE memories as some of/ if not the greatest memories of our late school years. In a time when GCSEs ruled your life, it was a much needed break from day-to-day school life and showed us something exciting, adventurous and daring. I don’t think Prince Philip knew how much his DofE awards meant to young people, for some it was career changing and for others it was simply a chance to make good memories. I do not know anyone who regrets it, I hope H.R.H. knew that and I hope his family can take comfort from that.