Harry & Richard Byatt (twins)

We are twins and participated in bronze award together, it was great to have each other on the expeditions. We then went on to do the silver award but not together, it was still great as we had our friends with us. Both of us have completely stepped out of our comfort zone to complete some of the tasks and our expeditions have been in some terrible weather. After bronze we both said we wanted to carry on and do silver although it’s been quite difficult due to Covid lockdown. For our volunteer work we made leaflets that we pushed through letter boxes offering help with shopping and errands. A lot of older people would ring our mum and then we would run errands and drop off shopping/prescriptions at their door. Most were shielding due to Covid and liked a little chat through the window. Richard has epilepsy so it was a massive achievement for him to complete both awards but the D of E organisers and school teachers were amazing. All Richards needs were met by the organisation and he was still able to do his overnight camp. The D of E program has given them both confidence and a huge sense of achievement.