Gregory Kipchichir

I am incredibly grateful for the Award program which equips young people with the tools to succeed and change the world. Deciding to take part in the Award has been the best decision in my life. I have personally gained confidence, resilience and a set of skills that has empowered my life. By challenging myself to learn new skills, engage in a physical activity and participate in a voluntary service, I have been able to discover my potential and become a better version of myself. The Award has challenged me to step out of my comfort zone and become a resourceful and productive person to my community, country and the world. I have discovered that there is more in me than I thought. Through the Award, I am now able to manage my time well.
Being a Participant of the President's Award-Kenya made me, my parents and village appear in both local and international news, in print media and televisions. My parents and community are very proud!
Being recognized by the Royal Family during the International Youthday on 12th August 2020 for limiting the spread of COVID-19 and managing the economic implications it had brought by engaging other young people and my community through farming and agriculture, a skill I learnt for my Award is what I will forever be grateful for. Amid the pandemic whilst schools were closed, I was able to produce food for my family and my neighbours. I also took the initiative of teaching other young people in my community farming specifically in vegetable production. This ensured there was food security during the hard times. This also ensured that the young people were engaged, productive and were able to utilise much of the free time that was available while at home during that period. Thanks to the Award for unleashing my potential and create an impact to the society.

Going for Adventurous Journey has made me appreciate the nature and made me love the spirit of adventure and exploration. I am no longer shy due to interaction with other participants.