Moira Tomkinson (Nee Grove)

I gained my Bronze and Silver Award and in 1969 my Gold Award with a Girl Guide Cadet Unit in Birmingham. It was great fun and of course there were many challenging ventures. Most of all I enjoyed the outdoor sections, visiting Glenbrook an outdoor pursuits centre and helping at Woodlarks, a camp for less able bodied Guides, and every Sunday afternoon working on a Children's ward at a very busy Birmingham Hospital.

Before entering Buckingham Palace on the day of my presentation I remember avidly having to attend the Girl Guide Headquarters in Buckingham Palace Road with all the other Girl Guide Gold Award Holders we were inspected thoroughly - clean shoes, no ladders in tights, ties straight, hair tied back and of course badges shining in the sunlight of a beautiful July day.

My parents were so proud - my Mother in a lovely brown suit and fuchsia pink blouse and matching hat and my Father beaming all over his face!

I can still remember what a fantastic time I had and all the wonderful people and opportunities which helped me achieve this Award - thank you and Rest in Peace Duke of Edinburgh.