Trevor Osborne

I am proud that I received a Lifetime Fellowship of the Duke of Edinburgh's Award as a result of my collaboration with the Award in establishing its headquarters in Bachelor's Acre in Windsor. The premises occupied in West London were unsatisfactory and it was decided that the Awards would be better based in Windsor. As a result, my company erected a building to the specification much influenced by HRH The Duke of Edinburgh and throughout the construction process it would not be unusual for me to have a note on Monday morning in my office then in Windsor that the Duke had visited the site and wished to bring my attention to aspects which required attention to reach the standard which was anticipated. A typical example of this would be to bring my attention to the pointing on the sixth course of brickwork on the north east corner. His Royal Highness was passionate about the Awards and their huge impact on so many young people. He ensured that his high standards applied to my work and, to this day, I remain deeply impressed by his commitment. I am delighted to have been able to assist.