Matilda Correia

I have participated in the Bronze award and am preparing to go on my Silver qualifying expedition.
At the end of October 2020 I was allowed to go on my Silver practice expedition, in the Surrey Hills. Despite being soaked to the skin with the pouring rain, I have never experienced views as breathtaking as those which we found ourselves in. I found that I was pretty good at getting organised in the morning and getting everyone up and ready for the day ahead, however my map-reading skills need a bit of work... The atmosphere during the expedition was just amazing, we sung so many songs to keep our morale up when we seemed lost, and shared in many amusing moments during the trip, it helped me to find out a lot about myself. DofE has given me a million memories that I will cherish in my heart forever and has helped me form bonds with people I never would've met otherwise.
I will be eternally grateful for the DofE award and aspire to complete all three awards in the coming years.
Thank you