Adrian Govier

My route to the D of E Gold, was via the Sea Cadet Corps.
Whilst actively involved in the Cadet forces and working my way through the D of E scheme, I was also supporting a Methodist youth group as they completed various expeditions.
For my Gold Expedition, I was originally crossing Dartmoor, when severe weather shut the moors down, several groups had to be rescued - but we (Sea Cadets) were able to find our way off the moors and abandoned the Expedition.
Due to various issues, I swapped my final Expedition and completed my finals, by Sailing a 21ft Sloop rig Yacht around the English Riviera.
This was a wonderful experience and something I will never forget.
Back to the Methodist youth group - in between finishing the Dartmoor trip and getting ready for my Sailing Expedition, I helped a group on a practice expedition, by Canoeing the upper reaches of the Wye.
After I had completed my Sailing Expedition, I had the invitation to go to the palace to receive my Gold Award, however as I had been helping the Methodist group doing their gold award, I decided to help them complete the final canoe exped on the Wye. There was another reason for joining the team, one of the members was my Fiancé.
So we ended up going to the Palace together - as a couple.
As I was wearing my Sea Cadet Uniform with its Gold Badges, the Prince spent quite some time together with us and he knew that my Fiancé and I had come together after completing our awards and made the comment (although i cant remember exactly what he said) something like "so you two were canoeing and Cannoddling together" - it was a wonderful occasion and one that I will always remember.
The experiences gained in the Sea Cadets and partaking the D of E certainly played a big part in growing me in so many ways.
I am now in a Senior Management role in Singapore - without the SCC and D of E - I would never be here.
Great memories in meeting the Queen and Prince Philip and of the journey's through the D of E award scheme.