Elizabeth Hatchell

My school, Torquay Grammar School for Girls started doing the DofE quite early on and I worked for Bronze and then achieved the Silver Award just as I was leaving school.
The most memorable occasion was the Silver Award Weekend Hike on Dartmoor. All day Saturday it rained heavily so we were soaked to the skin when we arrived at a 'hut' for the night. We hung our clothes round an open fire to dry them off and when we woke next morning there was a thick layer of snow. Dartmoor in the snow was a problem. None of the paths were visible and I recall that we didn't manage to complete the proper route, due to immense snowdrifts. However, in 1961 or 62, whenever it was, there was no way our assessors could contact us. We did get home eventually!
I have never forgotten the experience - what a thrill it was to achieve that, despite the appalling weather.
I believe later on that Dartmoor was considered a bit too taxing for the Silver Award, although I may be wrong.
Both my daughters completed their Gold Awards in the 80's and the eldest went on many expeditions, including to the Arctic and Antarctica with the British Schools Exploring Society, the inspiration coming from doing DofE. The younger daughter spent many years coaching DofE at Dean Close School, Cheltenham and met HRH on two occasions with her Gold achievers.
I fully expect my grandchildren to continue the family habit!
What a truly inspired idea HRH had in starting the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.