Alan Gwynn

In 1956 I was a member of the Beaconsfield YC. The scheme had just started and under an enthusiastic club leader we enrolled for the Silver. This we completed in 1957, with a presentation by Sir John Hunt the Everest leader. Five of us then went on to complete the Gold Award in 1958.
We were told that we were the first gold award group in the country. We were invited to Buckingham Palace in June 1958 along with 15 others and parents for the presentation by the Duke of Edinburgh. A memorable day.
The experience of the Gold Award expedition set me up for the great outdoors. Along with like minded friends we have backpacked through many of the mountains and open country of Europe and the U.K.
The award scheme also opened my eyes to volunteering. Over the last 60 years I have been involved in fund raising and local activities via Round Table and Rotary. I am still involved in local conservation work as a Cotswold Warden and driver for hospital transport .
My two sons, both in their 50`s have carried on love of the outdoors activities. One of my grandsons has taken part in the DofE award scheme.

The death of the Prince Philip is a great sadness but he leaves behind a wonderful legacy in this scheme which is enjoyed right across the social scale. Long may it continue.