Paula Bartlett

I was lucky enough to have an inspiring and dedicated teacher (Helen Jenny) who made our DofE journey from Bronze, through Silver & Gold an exciting one.
Through DofE I grew in confidence, travelled across the UK, Europe and even as far as Estonia. Every challenge made me the strong and adaptable person I am today and I only have the fondest memories of my DofE experiences.
I was so proud to get my Gold and was delighted to volunteer to help young people on their own DofE journeys as a teacher.
As a scheme, DofE has it all. It helps young people grow in all the ways that matter.
On my Gold Award journey I was lucky enough to visit Estonia on a conservation project and completed the expedition in Bavaria with a mixed group from Canada and N.Ireland. We made friends from other countries and our eyes were opened to the wider world around us.
When teachers look outside their own school to build the connections inspired by DofE, the experience becomes life changing.
Long may the scheme continue. I am so thankful to HRH Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh, for his inspiration in creating and founding the scheme.