Joanne Lynn

I completed my Bronze Award, Silver Award (although my badge book was lost on the way to the DofE office and the place I did my physical had closed, so I never got the award) and most of my Gold Award through school. I had never been very good at making friends, so being thrown together with a group with similar interests was hugely helpful for my social skills. The biggest thing I took from the Award though was the idea of service to the community, and I have been volunteering in one way or another since my Bronze Award. I have worked with many organisations, but currently I volunteer as a CFAV with the CCF, a unit leader and county coordinator with Girlguiding and an events volunteer with National Trust (although this is currently paused because of the pandemic). I also learnt that I am more resilient and physically capable than I thought. I really did not think I would make it through my first expedition, but I did, and I still enjoy camping and hiking (possibly more than staying in a hotel for a holiday!).
Even though I only achieved the Bronze Award, the experiences I gained in the preparation of Silver and Gold were worth more than the badge they were for. I have no doubt that the award changed my life, and I would not have the confidence to do the activities I love now if I hadn't done it.