Eileen Blaney

From 1967 until my retirement 30 years later i coordinated the scheme at all levels in worthing as a volunteer co- ordinator and eventually as county organiser for west sussex through the youth service.

I feel privileged to have helped so many positive young people achieve their awards and to have made lasting friendships with my leaders. I thoroughly enjoyed my role whether it was organising expeditions to the french alps, snowdonia or the new forest, residentials to berlin and strasbourg to the european parliament, police courses, finding a paleantologist to be an assessor and many other willing adults who were persuaded to help! , training courses for leaders....presentations at all levels....there was never a dull moment!

There were so many highlights during my participation, especially gold award presentations at buckingham palace or st.james palace in the presence of prince philip.

Another highlight was coordinating the stitching of the tapestry depicting the south east region for the 40th anniversary which led me to have a continuing interest in embroidery during my retirement.

How did i have the time to be invovled in all these activities and run a home! It was because i believed the scheme offered such opportunities to young people outside of formal education and for many encouraged them into volunteering or even a career. It also gave so many a chance to meet and work alongside members of their community who they normally may never have met.

My friends have often said i should write a book about my association with the award...perhaps this could be the spur. I am hopeful that out of this time of sadness the scheme will attract more participants and hopefully volunteer adults to help them achieve.