Susan Agnew

On completion of my silver award, I was encouraged by my teacher (sadly he has passed away) to try something a little different. ‘They always make good stories at awards ceremonies’ he said. Taking him at his word, I took up archery as my sport, that was in 2006. I was hooked! I can hand on heart say this sport has made me who I am today. I have held many position within the organisation, helping grow the sport. I have also had the huge honour of representing Northern Ireland on several occasions. I have achieved many titles. My proudest moments are winning my first British title and in 2020 winning a European bronze! None of this would have been possible without DofE, it changed my life. I’ll be forgive grateful to the Duke of Edinburgh for the scheme and my teacher for pushing me to be the best version of myself.
Prince Philip’s passing has left a huge hole not only in the Royal Families hearts but that of the nation. May he rest in peace