Barbara Beck

As a teenager we were asked if we’d like to undertake the DOfE which would benefit us in later life as well as going towards our Queens Guide and St John’s Grand Prior. I really enjoyed doing the bronze award and stepping it up for the silver award. I designed and made a crocheted tray cloth celebrating Prince Charles Investiture in 1969. Loved every minute of the various activities I did for the award. Had completed all but the expedition for my Gold (we had done the practice twice but not the actual expedition) then the leader left and we were left in limbo. As I was doing A levels I couldn’t start searching for another leader. In those days you had to complete before your 19th birthday. I got my Queens Guide and my Grand Prior. I’ve been a guide leader and I’ve been a scout leader in some capacity (BSL up to ACC sections) and even helped out with DOfE in scouting.
It’s so worthwhile for young people. My own children didn’t do it but my granddaughter has just signed up. Looking forward to being here when she gets her Gold . I wasn’t lucky enough to meet the Duke of Edinburgh but did meet Princess Margaret.