Yvonne Allison

I was always a shy reserved girl who enjoyed sport then the D of E Award came into my life.
In 1964 I completed my Bronze ,I won a bursary to the Girls Outward Bound School. 1965 Silver Award,1966 Gold Award. The D of E & Outward Bound gave me so many challenges it changed my life.
My first job was at the Devon OB School, I even took part in an OB film. February 1967 I went to the Palace to receive my Gold Award .The D of E told me of his visit to the OB School & asked if I enjoyed working there .I was so privileged, a year later I moved to the Ulswater OB School, on my days off at both school I could join in with climbing ,caving Canoeing walking etc;
The D of E awards & The Outward Bound Schools has done so much for teenagers.
The Duke of Edinburgh was such a caring person I was so proud to have met him, he has changed so many lives.