Sarah Foyster nee Thomas

I completed my Bronze, Silver and Gold and was awarded my Gold D of E at Buckingham Palace by the wonderful Duke of Edinburgh in 1984. The Gold Expedition was the most memorable, life-enhancing and challenging thing that I have ever participated. Still to this day, I wonder how I could have taken on a 4 day expedition in the Cairngorms in knee deep snow covering over 80 miles as the crow flies and with one tent (as one blew away!) with 6, 17 year old girls.

I certainly learnt determination and might, through the laughter and the tears over those 4 days. By the end of it, I felt I could take on the world albeit beyond exhausted. The exhilaration and the relief on seeing our Base Camp is engrained in my memory.

The Gold Award epitomised everything that, I believe, the Duke of Edinburgh stood for, in terms of belief and unparalleled strength of character. His legacy lives on in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and I hope that in continues to hold his vision clear, but supporting and encouraging young people to search out and find their path through looking within, to their own strength of character.

Sarah Foyster (nee Thomas)
Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award Holder (1984)
Oakham School, Rutland