Molly Williams

My DofE was so much fun. I learnt new skills and had a great time with friends. On our Expedition over night it poured it down and our tent got a little wet but it was all fun as I was with my friends and having a great time. We also decided to camp. right nest to the turkey's in the campsite. Don't know why we decided this was a good idea but hay ho. The turkeys were really noisy all evening while we were eating and they were a little scary. Looking back on it, it was October so turkey for Christmas? In the morning the turkey were let out so we woke to the squarks of turkeys very early!! The whole weekend was the best of fun and my friends an I had such a good time. we always talk about the memories of our DofE weekend and of course the turkey's. I feel able to apply myself to more things. Thanks you HRH for creating this wonderful experience.