Daisy MacLeod

My DofE walk was postponed due to the pandemic, so we ended up completing it in October 2020, rather than in the summer as planned. The pandemic also meant that we didn’t have to camp, which would have been fun I am sure, but it was a luxury to be able to go home for the night and sleep in the comfort of my bed! The walk itself was very fun, and we had lots of sweets with us to keep us going along the way. On the first day, we got lost, which also meant we were well behind the other groups, so another group had to phone us when they arrived at the checkpoint to tell us that at the rate we were walking at, we would arrive far too late! I also clearly remember there was this massive hill, which we all struggled up as we were so tired, but we made it! Which was a lovely and rewarding feeling. Much to our surprise, on the second day we managed to stay ahead of other groups. This was extremely exciting because we had been so far behind the day before. I think that overall, my map skills did improve, and I definitely thoroughly enjoyed myself! The other aspects of the award were also really enjoyable. I especially enjoyed the volunteering with younger girls playing football on a Sunday morning. I am so happy, because they have now gone on to playing proper matches at the weekend!

Thank you to the Duke of Edinburgh, for his dedication to this award. It was an amazing experience that I will never forget!