Christopher Laing

My (our) relationship with DofE began with the special group of golfing supporters known as The Duke's Hundred and through my company's membership of the Charter Group. Since then Diana and I have been privileged to attend and observe many DofE events through which we have been able to witness the special relationships with Award participants and to hear their stories - all of which have almost brought us to tears.
This relationship spans at least 40 years but we look forward very much to maintaining our relationship with DofE and now my grandchildren are following in their parents footsteps and attempting to move up the award grades.
Our son Stewart has been working with DofE to introduce the scheme to Samuel Rhodes where special needs young people will be able to reap the benefits of the various challenges set.
I have worked with HRH Prince Philip in other areas, most notably as Chairman of The National Playing Fields Association (NPFA) and The Lord's Taverners. The dedication of HRH to the activities and welfare of young people throughout the UK and abroad has been awe inspiring.
His work is much appreciated and he will be greatly missed although his legacies will endure for many years to come.