Wendy Dacey

I completed my Silver Award in 1973 and Gold award in 1975. Silver Award was done at school but I changed school in 1973 and did the Gold award through Suffolk County Council as I lived in Ipswich. Tony Franklin, a youth officer with SCC was my mentor. Two friends and I did a week's residential course in Lincolnshire with the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers, camping for a week. Our task was to clear nettles but that was completed in two days so we ended up digging ditches on a bird reserve. Hard work! Service was a year spent volunteering at Ipswich Hospital radio, collecting requests. preparing the records and filing them away again afterwards. I was once allowed to read the weather but otherwise, it was all background work. Our expedition was to the Peak District with a few other friends age 16. No direct supervision as we did not need to check in with anyone until we arrived home! Obviously there were no mobile phones or tracking devices, so we were left to fend for ourselves for 4 days. I still have my log book and it is amusing reading these days.

The Award culminated in a reception, where I met the Duke, at Buckingham Palace in July 1975.

D of E taught me resilience, adventure and commitment; to volunteer for something for a year seemed quite a big thing for a 16 year old, not being able to give it up if you didn't like it. I am still good friends with most of the people in the photo and have a life long love of the countryside and walking. The Award gave me some wonderful opportunities and has helped to shape the person I am today, for which I am very grateful.