Jenny Mackelworth

How lucky I was to have had the opportunity to take part in this scheme. Living in a very rural community in the 1960’s it was probably a very innovative scheme for girls at the time. Thank you to all the volunteers who gave up their time for us.

My sense of adventure has never waited. I have never said no to any challenge, from white water rafting to climbing mountains.

I have also done my fair share of volunteering- from being a Girl Guide leader for 7 years, taking girls camping every year to now at the age of 72, serving on the committee of our local U3A. In latter years I have been a leader for the Breeze network, encouraging girls and women to get out cycling.

I am sure all this has come out of my experiences age 16. How many at that age these days, would travel to the Lake District with a friend to walk unaccompanied for a week, from Youth Hostel to Youth Hostel! I remember having to get our log books signed at Police stations along the way!

Thank you D of E