Kay Lawrence

DofE helped me find new friends when I moved schools between my Bronze and Silver Award, but my outstanding memory was at my silver expedition in the N York Moors. We'd spent a couple of days walking and filming the Settle to Carlisle railway past the Ribblehead viaduct Ann's it had been a fantastic time, but as we went to bed it started to rain. In the early hours we were woken by our camp leader shouting "Get up, get dressed as quick as you can". On leaving the tents we found that the tiny stream next to the campsite had become a raging torrent in the now heavy rain and was breaching its bank, rapidly approaching our tents. Our kit was thrown into our bags as quick as possible and the tents taken down. Everything, including us, was drenched and the minibus smelt like a wet dog ?. We stopped off at Charnock Richard services to dry off a bit - I dried my hair under the handdryers in the toilets. Breakfast was a tin of drained tuna - bizarre. We had to go into school the following day to pitch the tents so they'd dry before we could pack away.