Michelle Hartfil-Allgood

Our Bronze expedition took place in Derbyshire during the weekend a the huge global event, the Live Aid concert - 13th July 1985.

It was a very hot day and we took a tiny radio so we could listen to this amazing event as we navigated our way around the beautiful Derbyshire countryside.

Once at camp we pitched our tents, ate our meals & settled down for the night. One of the memories of that night was the rain - it came down so hard that we had water flowing down the middle of our tent! The next day was so hot & sunny again, totally typical British weather.

The whole experience is one I will never forget. We felt so grown up and free, setting up our little camp, reading maps & navigating our way over terrain which was so very different to the flatlands of our homes in Lincolnshire.
I think everyone should experience the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme at some level.

Thank you.