Maddie Barrow-Starkey

D of E was an amazing experience; super fun. Despite not being able to complete the final D of E expedition we still managed to complete the practice one before covid. Throughout the D of E practice camp I have made memories with my friends that will last a lifetime. We all thoroughly enjoyed cooking our foods and singing campfire songs. What I think I cherished the most about the D of E experience was that it made me learn that whatever happens, having your loved ones such as friends near you makes everything lots better, this thought was very much relevant when your legs got very tired from walking and when we found slugs in our shoes in the morning after camp. Volunteering was a very valuable part of the experience as well as I went to an old people’s home and it was a real eye opener into the reality of old people’s home and the illnesses many of the residents faced. Me and my friend volunteering became particularly fond to one of the residents Cecilia an elderly women with Alzheimer’s who really appreciated our visits as she rarely saw her grandchildren and told us how much she appreciates talking to people similar to her granddaughters age. Overall d of e was an amazing experience and the legacy should keep going. RIP Prince Phillip you will be missed ️️️