Lesley Kinsella

Our story is particularly poignant this weekend as without HRH Prince Philip our family wouldn’t exist. This sounds dramatic however please read on.

As a teenager I worked my way through the 3 awards whilst in the Girls Brigade, achieving the gold award in my early 20’s.

A few years later I was invited to join a Gold Award Holders Group with the main purpose being to start a DofE group for youngsters in Luton. It was during this time that I met my future husband, also a gold award holder. He completed the award whilst an apprentice at British Aerospace.

We had experienced many adventures whilst completing our respective awards which instilled in us both a love of adventure/ travel and service to others. We spent a year travelling the world in our late 20’s before settling down to grow our family.

Both our boys have experienced the award, our eldest Ben completed the Silver award at school and is now at university. Our youngest, Max has just completed the Bronze award at school.

We feel incredibly grateful to have found love whilst giving service to the award scheme and very proud that our 2 sons have participated in the award.

Prince Philip leaves an incredibly powerful legacy for young people from all walks of life to take on the challenges of the scheme. We give thanks for his life and service and send our heartfelt sympathies to the Queen and the whole of her family.

Lesley & Les Kinsella