Kaleigh Parks

My Gold DofE expedition was incredible, despite taking place in summer 2020 under coronavirus restrictions. We chose to do it by canoe - despite none of us ever having canoed before. It was certainly an experience! One day, we didn't arrive at our next campsite until 10 o'clock at night. It was pitch black, and we were all busting for a wee - but we weren't allowed to use the campsite toilets! The priority was putting up the toilet tent, which we must have done in record time, before hastily putting up our own tents (one each because of restrictions) and cooking dinner. We certainly slept well that night!
Completing my Bronze and Silver DofE awards, and working towards my Gold award, has meant so much for me. There have been lots of memorable moments along the way - finishing our Silver practice expedition 4 hours early, for example, and the time we lost Catherine on Bronze (sorry Catherine)!
I want to thank HRH Prince Philip for creating an award that has inspired and challenged so many people, and changed so many lives. Let's hope his legacy lives on for many more years to come.