Lucy Waller

I completed Bronze, Silver and Gold at school in the late 80's early 90s. DofE expeditions introduced me to wild camping, a challenge, team working, navigation, cooking on a stove. Experiences I hadn't had with my family. I loved it and it has shaped me today. At this time the teachers were on strike so we needed extra help. My Mum came as a helper and also wild camped and did the walks. This was an experience for her too. For Bronze my first walk and wildcamp was at the bottom of Gordale Scar. We got soaked but it didn't matter, I loved. Malham and the walk is one I have redone many times with my family and also with Scouts from Suffolk. Silver expediton again momentous around Whernside and Ingleborough, then Gold was an amazing epic in Snowdonia from the coast to Snowdon, first day to Capel Curig, then over Glyders to Bethesda, then over to Llanberis and over again to the bottom of the Rangers path, then finish up Rangers and down PenyPass to the Pyg Track. Again I have been back here many times and every time I am there talk about this all these years ago. In 2017 I qualified as a Mountain Leader again in Snowdonia and have take several groups of Scouts to the area to enjoy the moutains and experience wild camping. This all sprang from doing DofE at school. In addition I must mention the other areas, skill - violin in orchestra, sport - badminton Bronze + Silver, cycling time trials for Gold. Service, fire station, Bronze, first aid Silver and then visiting an elderly lady with a friend for Gold. For the residential I went on a scout camp for a week at Kielder. Again all these are childhood memories that have shaped me. My daughter has done Bronze with school, and Silver with scouts, canoeing, she started Gold but due to Covid has not yet been able to do her expeditions. We want her expeditions to be momentous a big challenge, they had planned Lakes, but this needs to wait for the conditions. I also want my son to complete when restricitions are lifted. Thank you