Neil Fisher

Having been inspired by a teacher at school , I and 5 of my friends undertook our Bronze through to Gold DofE during our sixth form studies in `1990-1992.
I am still in touch with most of them in some shape or other.
I spent time swimming with the disabled, this shaped me in so many ways - and ultimately led me into a medical career and into sports medicine.
It allowed me to move from being a shy 17 year old into a confident adult.
The hikes - have so many memories from tropical weather in Bala for our silver hike , to a self constructed , organised and planned Gold hike in the southwest of Ireland , the memories of that trip still hold dear, even though it was so long ago. I carried on my love of walking into my University studies and joined the local hiking group - many a happy weekend away was had in the hills and mountains of North Wales and the Lakes. A passion for walking still remains and this is all down to the DofE, I have carried on my desire to learn and to push myself.

I never really thought of what impact the DofE had on me, but reflecting back it shaped my years at Sixth Form, it made me more confident in myself and with others, it led me to undertake vocational training and to where I am now.