Tobey Butler

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award represents, to me, a link to something that is too often forgotten about in today’s society; the skill of just getting on with it. This was so wonderfully embodied by the Duke himself and I will always be grateful for the grit and determination given to so many millions of people through the Award.

Having nearly completed my Silver Award, I am proud to have enjoyed the last two years of participating in volunteering and expeditions while knowing every time I do something I wouldn’t normally have done it is making me closer to who I want to be in the future. So many memories come to me of wet and windy nights in tents, blisters and time spent with friends, to remind me of how much experiences like DofE matter to growing up across the country.

In the period after his death, I often hear how “they don’t make them like him any more” or that younger generations lack his steadfastness, strong character and sense of quiet dignity. I know, however, that through the award in his name young people like me are gaining the skills that he possessed and that his legacy lives on. Together, thanks to him, we can prove them wrong.

RIP Prince Phillip, a true example to us all.