Molly Docherty

I hated DofE at first! The rain, the massive bags we had to carry and camping... ughhh camping. I’d never been camping before this and what an experience that was. I am now a seasoned camper and have been out many times with my family but every DofE night is memorable. Such as the time my friend scorched her eyelashes when she stood too close to the fire. Or the fact that for a day on our Bronze Expedition had to be changed because the loch had flooded and it was too dangerous to go up a hill! In fact this was at Balmoral, a place I had never been before doing DofE. That’s the amazing thing about Duke of Edinburgh... it gives you the opportunity to do new things in new places, with new people. I did my Gold residential in Cambridge and I met so many new and different people, and through DofE I have found a career which I think I’m going to love... being a teacher. I’m so glad that I have done DofE as it has taught me so much and let me try so many new things. The experience may not always be fun at the time (although most of the time it is), it’s great to look back at all the fun you have had!