Annaum Jabbar

When we first started our adventure, me (Annaum), Grace, Summer, Sumaia, Emily and Maisie I think we were all full of various emotions excited and scared as this experience was definitely anti climax! It was out of my comfort zone but it was truly a momentous experience, and I would love to do it all again. We got to experience so many things and at the same time learn so many survival skills. I cant fail to not mention the part where we got chased by a donkey and pigs! And of course the part where the girls burnt the pasta for dinner ahaha. I remember the happiness on our faces when we finally reached the campsite after a loooong day, we were absolutely fatigued. The feeling of comfort when finally lying down ready to snooze away for the night. This was our DofE story and I’m sure we will never forget it!!