Jo Kansagra

DofE has shaped my life.
It offered me a chance to try different activities and push me way outside of my comfort zone then and now I am still able to push myself way beyond what I believe I’m capable of.

More than this though, it gave me some of my happiest memories. I was lucky enough to do DofE at school (all girls) and the memories of the activities and adventures are something we still talk about nearly 25 years later. So many happy memories on our expeditions; from the minute we left school in the minibus, singing the latest songs from the charts at the top of our lungs, ambling along a remote path on the Isle of Arran, sharing a Mars bar or a slab of Kendal mint cake and hoping we weren’t being watched by our assessor because it was our emergency rations.
Mum & Dad always gave my army ration packs for ALL of my meals rather than ‘normal’ food which everyone thought was hilarious until they realised I could feed myself within 10 minutes of reaching camp.

The smell of wet tent and damp clothes will never leave me.

I didn’t appreciate it at the time but DofE taught me resilience and perseverance and mostly it gave me friendships that will last a life time.