Lewis Grinham

On the 28th July 2018, we were on the third day of our DofE Gold Expedition when the weather closed in on us, leaving us with very vulnerable. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts to get down to lower ground Jack got blown over in the strong winds. He had sustained a suspected hip injury and was getting extremely cold in the rain and high winds. We had phoned for the mountain rescue at just before 1400 and they were on scene by 1430. By the time they arrived a further three in our group had developed early onset Hypothermia, the group minus Jack were then walked off the fell. Jack was then stabilised on the fell before being airlifted to hospital for further treatment.
This despite being a scary time was made one of my happiest memories when Jack returned to camp on the evening and was his usual happy self and couldn't wait to start the banter once again. The following morning he woke up and got us all up on time just so we could finish the route. Jack finished the route and we all supported him and each other through it all.
I wouldn't change a thing about my DofE Gold it is such a unique story and I love telling it.