Maria Adamson (nee Ellington)

I will forever grateful for the impact participating in the DofE has had on my life.
I was quite late to the award at 22, taking the opportunity to participate through working at Lancashire County Council.
Before I knew it, I was pushing myself beyond anything I had done before... The euphoria of reaching the summit of Hellvellyn on an expedition practice hike, falling headlong in to a peat bog on the North York Moors and carrying on regardless, then not being able to get out of my car without hurting for a week afterwards! But it was all worth it.
I got to do the things I had always want to do and never dreamed that I would... Learning to ballroom dance as my Physical activity (well before Strictly became so popular) and dry stone walling in the Lake District with a group from around the world for my residential.
The friends I made along the way became my closest, attending my wedding in 2001 and becoming my daughter's Godparents. My life would not be the same without them and it is all down to the DofE Award that we met.

The award taught me so much about myself; a will to succeed and not give in however hard or impossible it might seem, the value of long lasting friendships, the sense of achievement in reaching a common goal and to just give things a go... You never know, you just might be good at it!

One of my fondest memories of the DofE is going to St James's Palace for my award. HRH Prince Philip asked how my Mum felt about washing my socks after the 4 day expedition... My answer was, that fortunately, I was old enough to wash my own!!
I am so proud that my daughter, Kate has now completed her Bronze Award last year and is currently working towards her Gold Award. I encourage any yoing person to just give it a go... You would be suprised at where it just might take you.

I have no doubt that HRH Prince Philip's values and ethos will live on and inspire many more generations of young people through the DofE Award Scheme... And long may it conti