
I think it's fair to say pretty much everyone who has taken part in DOFE has an embarrassing tale about needing the loo and there being a lack of available facilities...the worst I had it was desperately needing the loo while trapped on a rather long road with high hedges on both sides. With the only alternative being to wet myself in the middle of the road, I resorted to going to the loo inside a small gap in the hedge, while my friends stood with their backs turned. I suddenly heard one of my friends yell at me in a panic because a car was coming down the road! Thankfully I was just about able to get dressed in time, however I couldn't look the driver in the eye as he came past, as I was convinced he knew exactly what I had been doing. I think this experience probably counts as one of the most embarrassing moments of my life so far, but it can't have been that bad, seeing as I signed up to gold DOFE later that year!