Andrew Hopkins

Hello my name is Andrew Hopkins and i am currently doing my gold DofE a d this is about my practice expedition. On the last day of my groups gold award practice expedition in the peak district we had gotten lost a few times and we were on a time limite to get to the train station in edale to catch a train I was the slowest person in the group, and we weren't sure if we were going to make it but by the end we all put our best effort into it and we made it to the station with an hour to spare, I was very escorted but with some encouragement from my group and teamwork we we able to make it. It was a very fun but also a very challenging experience for me, I felt like at some points I couldnt do it but I managed to complet the expidition, and had a great time doing it and had lots of fun, I think more people should do it because it is a very big challenge for lots of people, but you get to adapt and get new skills during the expidition, something I really enjoyed doing.